Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Gluten Free Graham Cracker Crust

This recipe contains no gluten!! It is super simple to make and has only THREE ingredients.It has a very strong banana flavor and I think this pie crust would pair well with a banana cream pie!

Utensils Needed for Pie Crust:
Measuring Spoons
Measuring Cups
Food Processor
1-9" Pie Tin OR 2-5" Pie Tin

Ingredients for Pie Crust:
16 Graham Crackers, Crushed
2 Large Bananas+1 Medium Banana
1 1/2 Tablespoon Honey

I added an extra banana because I really like the banana flavor, thought the combination would go good together.

Pie Crust Recipe:
We are going to start out by making the pie crust. This is free of both gluten and high fructose corn syrup. 

Fresh breeze and bright sunshine
Banana and Honey

Start out by breaking 16 graham crackers into several pieces. Then add them into the food processor. I did it in two groups because there are a lot of pieces! Then place them in a bowl and set aside. Break up the banana and put it in the processor along with the honey. Blend on Low for about 30 seconds, then on high for another 30 seconds. Once you have one consistency, it is done!
Both after being in the processor

This is what my mixture looked like
Gooey Mixture
The next part is fun for kids, if they like to help out in the kitchen. Pour the banana and honey mixture into the graham crackers and mix or let the kids mix that up with a fork. I couldn't find our big pie tin, so I used two little ones. 
They just look so yummy!
And BAM this is done! Baking times can vary depending on the texture you like your crust at, however the longer you cook it, the chewier it will be. This crust does not taste like a typical graham cracker crust you buy at the store, just so you know!! I baked mine for about 8 minutes, then added a creamy fluff filling. The banana flavor came right through!


  1. Healthy, which is awesome! :)

  2. Never thought to use banana in graham cracker crust, interesting , will have to try

  3. What a great replacement! I can't wait to try this!
    C LeHew

  4. Graham cracker crusts are the best with strawberry pies!

  5. Graham cracker crusts with grape or key lime pie my fav!!

  6. Graham cracker crusts are awesome! Thanks for sharing this healthy option :)

  7. I like the way you give positive attributes for the ingredients as you go along. I'm definitely going to try the mango salsa!
